Report: need count of a value as % of total count



Hi..this is my first time setting up Access to do any kind of calcuation. I
know it can be done simply using the expression builder, but I've been
playing around with it for a couple of hours and I'm befuddled.

Let's say column 1 in Table 1 contains ratings by various people on a
product. Let's say those ratings are 1, 2 or 3. So, table looks like this:

rater A 2
rater B 1
rater C 3
rater D 2
rater D 2

In a simple report, I want to show the actual ratings (know how to do this),
and at the bottom, show a % for each rating (eg. count # of 2's/count of
total column). So for the above data, the bottom of the table would show:

Rating 1 20%
Rating 2 60%
Rating 3 20%

What is the correct expression, and how do I use the expression builder?
Also, I'm assuming that on the report, I create a text box first for this
result to be in, right?


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