report new page for each alpha


Joseph Greenberg

I have a report that produces an alphabetic directory, with the entries for
each new letter (A, B, C,) starting on a new page. I have one letter, U,
which has only one entry, and for some reason it is coming out on the last T
page (it is the only single-entry letter which happens to fall behind a
"full" page, where there isn't room on the previous page - but there are
plenty of other "short" pages where it correctly does a page break before a
letter. Any reason a particular letter (and it's not the only single-entry
letter) might not break pages properly?

Rob Parker

You don't say how you're controlling page breaks at present, or even how
you're breaking your report into alphabetic groups. So I'll assume that
you've set up a group (perhaps on a calculated expressions such as
Left(YourField,1) which you're using to control page breaks.

What you describe is probably occurring because you are using "Keep
Together" set to "Whole Group", which will often work correctly, but is not
guaranteed to do so. To be sure that each group starts on a separate page,
you need to set the "Force New Page" property of the group's footer to
"After Section".



Marshall Barton

It is often better to set the group header section's
ForceNewPage to Before Section. The reason is that reports
are smart enough to not generate a blank page at the start
of a report, but not smart enough to suppress a blank page
at the end of a report. Of course, having visible report
header and\or footer sections will affect these

Joseph Greenberg

So I had a "legacy" page header in the report that was there just for page
numbering purposes, and because of that the "Before Section" setting was in
fact giving me a blank page before the As. any by the way now I've switched
to Access 2007, and my familyname header is grouped by first character. So
if I take out that phantom page header then the Before Section does work
properly and I get the break before every letter. Thanks!

Marshall Barton said:
It is often better to set the group header section's
ForceNewPage to Before Section. The reason is that reports
are smart enough to not generate a blank page at the start
of a report, but not smart enough to suppress a blank page
at the end of a report. Of course, having visible report
header and\or footer sections will affect these
MVP [MS Access]

Rob said:
You don't say how you're controlling page breaks at present, or even how
you're breaking your report into alphabetic groups. So I'll assume that
you've set up a group (perhaps on a calculated expressions such as
Left(YourField,1) which you're using to control page breaks.

What you describe is probably occurring because you are using "Keep
Together" set to "Whole Group", which will often work correctly, but is
guaranteed to do so. To be sure that each group starts on a separate
you need to set the "Force New Page" property of the group's footer to
"After Section".

Marshall Barton

I have not seen a Page header cause that effect. However, a
visible, blank report header with non zero height definitely
will do it.

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