Report NOT to show blank values


Jerid B

Long story short: HR uses a new/change/status word document and write
employee name and check marks "New Hire" Change" Speration", then there's
"Salariad", "Hourly" and then "FullTime" PartTime"
All Check marks. They save the word document as that employees name, print
off 10 copies and hand them out... UGH!

What I want to do is have a database with all this info in. The HR lady will
fill it in, check mark whats needed click a report button and email it off to
the 10 people who need it.

All is well except for one thing. A person can be salary or hourly, but not
both. Half this sheet of information has no check marks on it because they
are one thing or another. Is there a way to bypass that so if the value of
"Hourly" is No (not checked) it never shows up on the report?

Access 2003 on Windows Xp.


One method since it is hourly or salary is to set a boolean value. If salary
set the boolean to true. Use the boolean to set the visible property of
those fields that are applicable to salary and hide those that aren't.

dim bSalary as boolean
some hourly field called HourLunch.Visible=not bSalary

In other words, determine Hourly/Salary status and use the result as boolean
to set the visible property for your other text fields.

Happy Coding ...

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