report numeric value as text



I need to report a numeric value as text. I have a table with 3 fields:

txtClass (PK)
numGroupNo (PK)

I store the numeric values from numGroupNo in tblProfiles.numProfGroup and
would like to report it as its txtDescription.

How do I format a control to do this? I've scoured this site but can't find
anything similar.

Thanks in advance!

Jeff Boyce

It sounds as if you wish to use the txtDescription field/value when you
create a report using the tblProfiles table.

Use a query instead. Create a new query that joins the tblProfiles and
tblProfileGroups on the numGroupNo field, then return the txtDescription
field. Base your report on the query.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner


Jeff Boyce said:
It sounds as if you wish to use the txtDescription field/value when you
create a report using the tblProfiles table.

Use a query instead. Create a new query that joins the tblProfiles and
tblProfileGroups on the numGroupNo field, then return the txtDescription
field. Base your report on the query.

The hitch to this is that there are duplicate numeric values in
tblProfilGroups.numGroupNo. The field txtClass is used to create levels of
categories. For example:

tblProfiles.ProfileID | txtClass | numGroupNo | txtDescription
80000 |PK | 1 | Primary
12345 |MZ | 1 | Retail

I'm not sold on the query idea however what do I need to do to make the
query return properly? As it is now:

SELECT tblProfiles.txtProfileID, tblProfileGroups.Class, tblProfiles.Type,
FROM tblProfiles INNER JOIN tblProfileGroups ON tblProfiles.ProfGroup =

If the numGroupNo is "1" it will return both of the above records.


Thanks, Jeff! I was able to resolve with two queries. One for "PK" and the
other for "MZ".

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