Report of New Customers



Hi. I am writing a database for a friend of mine who is running a
pizza business. They would like to be able to know how many of their
customers are repeat customers. The customer table has a firstdate
and lastdate field - which shows their first date ordering, and
lastdate ordering. How would I determine the number of customers
where the firstdate and lastdate are not the same (which would be my
repeat customers)? I wasn't sure what the best method was. I would
need to show on the report the number of total customers, and the
number of repeat customers.


Marshall Barton

Meg said:
Hi. I am writing a database for a friend of mine who is running a
pizza business. They would like to be able to know how many of their
customers are repeat customers. The customer table has a firstdate
and lastdate field - which shows their first date ordering, and
lastdate ordering. How would I determine the number of customers
where the firstdate and lastdate are not the same (which would be my
repeat customers)? I wasn't sure what the best method was. I would
need to show on the report the number of total customers, and the
number of repeat customers.

If you only want the report to display the repeat customers,
then use a criteria in the report's record source query.
E.g. set the criteria for the LastDate field to:

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