Report on latest date from different tables.


Bill Neilsen

I have a table with equipment details linked to 4 other tables for details of
different types of servicings required. eg Bay service, Calibration, Overhaul
etc. Each of these tables have a service due date and are obviously different
from the other tables. The fields in these tables are : Servicetype,
Datecompleted, Datedue.
The query behind my report links all tables and at this stage shows all
servicings and all dates.
How can I run the report which only selects the closest due date from all 4

Allen Browne

Bill, that really needs redesigning.

Create one table where you can enter all the servicing, with a field to
indicate the Service Type. Otherwise you will not only be futzing around
with UNION queries to try to combine all these, but you will have to
redesign the database if ever someone dreams up a new service type they
would like to add.

Bill Neilsen

Thanks Allen, I'll keep that in mind.

Allen Browne said:
Bill, that really needs redesigning.

Create one table where you can enter all the servicing, with a field to
indicate the Service Type. Otherwise you will not only be futzing around
with UNION queries to try to combine all these, but you will have to
redesign the database if ever someone dreams up a new service type they
would like to add.

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