Report Paging Problem



Access 2007 running on Windows XP. Report is a multipage letter
format and Access is not handling paging correctly when a text field,
which can span multiple pages, is followed by a page break and final
page. The letter report is called from a form where the text is
entered. Here's what happens: If text can fit on a single page there
is no problem. If text grows and extends to the next page, a blank
page is displayed after the text and then the final page is
displayed. Access gets confused calculating the number of pages
too. It includes the blank page in the current page count but the
total page count doesn't include the blank. For example if 5 pages
display, the footer will display page 4 of 4 on the blank page and
page 5 of 4 on final page! note: When the page break is removed,
there is no problem.

Also I tried getting the text from a database column rather than from
the form but still the same problem.

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