I've written a database that works fine on some PCs, but
not on others. In particular there is a report that locks
when print previewing.
- I'm interested in what settings I should be comparing
between the working and non-working environments.
- What hardware/memory allocation is recommended for
Office 2000? (Although the operating system is newer than
that of the developed PC, the hardware is not).
The query behind the report joins 8 tables.
- I've checked that locking is at record level.
- I've analysed performance on the report, and made the
recommended corrections (introducing an index and
adding "Option Explicit" to the beginning of the VB for
each report object).
I've written a database that works fine on some PCs, but
not on others. In particular there is a report that locks
when print previewing.
- I'm interested in what settings I should be comparing
between the working and non-working environments.
- What hardware/memory allocation is recommended for
Office 2000? (Although the operating system is newer than
that of the developed PC, the hardware is not).
The query behind the report joins 8 tables.
- I've checked that locking is at record level.
- I've analysed performance on the report, and made the
recommended corrections (introducing an index and
adding "Option Explicit" to the beginning of the VB for
each report object).