Report Printing /page 1 only (THANKS IN ADVANCE)



I have a form and use the following code to call/open the report I would like
to print (This is from a listbox) . which works well the problem is that
when I select the print icon or file print (While in the Report ) I have to
tell it to print page 1 to 1 (Note all other pages contain no data) only the
background picture. I'm sure this is because of the size of the Image but it
has to be this big. But I only need the first page to print

Dim StrWhere As String
StrWhere = "[casenumber]= """ & Me!CaseNumber & """"
Dim VarItm As Variant
For Each VarItm In myctl2.ItemsSelected
DoCmd.OpenReport myctl2.ItemData(VarItm), acPreview, , StrWhere


Hi Terry

It could be an idea to use the printout function - something like

DoCmd.PrintOut , 1, 1

Using the printout function will let you control the pages that are printed

Hope this helps

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