Report problem...please help!

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Need help with report design

Hello to my future hero...

Here is the problem..I just designed a report using a table, the table
contains 1150 names, addresses, etc. I use the report to create a letter
which I have accomplished before but now I have this coupon to the letter
which I succeeded to do BUT now when I check the view page it is duplicating
the name three times and first and third page are blank only the middle page
has all the information that is needed. I have been trying my best to figure
this out and I just can't get it. Is it my text width or my page set up? I
tried everything...I'm supposed to have 1150 but it's totaling at 3450.

Since we these printed out today I'm sitting here manually printing every
third page. I think it has to do with the size of the coupon it is rather
large. Anyway, if someone out there can help me out it would be great!

Thanks in advance, oh please email me at (e-mail address removed)

Bruce Meneghin

Sounds like you have the right ideas...
Make sure page headers and footers are shrunk to nothing or deleted
I assume the coupon is wide - check your page margins on page setup.
I have found that the smallest overflow will lead to extra pages - just keep
shrinking as much as you can...

Need help with report design

That was the problem. Now one more question for you, on the text is a website
address how can I change the color to blue? Everytime I click in the text box
the font colors and font size are grayed out. I personally think it should be
kept as is because the person receiving the letter can't click on the
hyperlink. I can understand if it were emailed.



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