report sorting formula



Hi everyone -
awhile back i posted on here a question about sorting a report in a
"weird" way. i have a slightly different question now...

i have a report that is sorted by a purchase order number (ponum) from
most recent to oldest. currently we have ponums from 1-2999, but are
starting to get ponums of 3000+.

this is the formula:
=IIf(CInt(Left([po_number],2))>=30,"19" & [po_number],"20" &

it works to sort from 2999 (most recent) - oldest perfectly, except
now i have to add in the 3000's on top on the report




It may seem 2 daft questions but ....

If ponums are numbers why not simply sort them desending
Not sure what you are doing with this (I know what it will do, I just don't
know why you want it to do this).
=IIf(CInt(Left([po_number],2))>=30,"19" & [po_number],"20" & [po_number])

Bit more info please would help


Hi everyone -
awhile back i posted on here a question about sorting a report in a
"weird" way. i have a slightly different question now...

i have a report that is sorted by a purchase order number (ponum) from
most recent to oldest. currently we have ponums from 1-2999, but are
starting to get ponums of 3000+.

this is the formula:
=IIf(CInt(Left([po_number],2))>=30,"19" & [po_number],"20" &

it works to sort from 2999 (most recent) - oldest perfectly, except
now i have to add in the 3000's on top on the report


i was able to get the 3000s on top by changing part of the forumla:
=IIf(CInt(Left([po_number],2))>=***90***,"19" & [po_number],"20" &

the ***90*** was changed from 30, which was the max amount in the
po_number field, and the ponums were starting at 30xx



It may seem 2 daft questions but ....

If ponums are numbers why not simply sort them desending
Not sure what you are doing with this (I know what it will do, I just don't
know why you want it to do this).
=IIf(CInt(Left([po_number],2))>=30,"19" & [po_number],"20" & [po_number])

Bit more info please would help

Manchester, England.

mpmason19 said:
Hi everyone -
awhile back i posted on here a question about sorting a report in a
"weird" way. i have a slightly different question now...
i have a report that is sorted by a purchase order number (ponum) from
most recent to oldest. currently we have ponums from 1-2999, but are
starting to get ponums of 3000+.
this is the formula:
=IIf(CInt(Left([po_number],2))>=30,"19" & [po_number],"20" &
it works to sort from 2999 (most recent) - oldest perfectly, except
now i have to add in the 3000's on top on the report

the reason i have to sort it like that is for quick reference - so
anyone who wants to look for a certain ponum (ie. company president,
secretary, etc.) can search through a printout quick

thanks for the feedback


Still seems a bit strange to me - but I don't know your DB. I may just sort
by number desending and put an unbound text box on the form called

Private Sub FindThePonum_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[ponum] = " & Str(Nz(Me![FindThePonum], 0))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

This should keep the company president, secretary, etc happy with the speed
they can go to any record.

Manchester, England.

mpmason19 said:
Hi everyone -
awhile back i posted on here a question about sorting a report in a
"weird" way. i have a slightly different question now...

i have a report that is sorted by a purchase order number (ponum) from
most recent to oldest. currently we have ponums from 1-2999, but are
starting to get ponums of 3000+.

this is the formula:
=IIf(CInt(Left([po_number],2))>=30,"19" & [po_number],"20" &

it works to sort from 2999 (most recent) - oldest perfectly, except
now i have to add in the 3000's on top on the report


i was able to get the 3000s on top by changing part of the forumla:
=IIf(CInt(Left([po_number],2))>=***90***,"19" & [po_number],"20" &

the ***90*** was changed from 30, which was the max amount in the
po_number field, and the ponums were starting at 30xx

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