Report Sorting problem



Sorry if this is a duplicate, I wrote it and think I deleted the message
instead of sending it .

I wrote an access db for a youth baseball league consisting of 108 teams in
6 age groups.

The purpose it to enter game scores and generate standings. It works great
for entering the games but I have a bug in the standings portion.

The standings will not sort correctly. It should sort on Winning percentage
in a descending order.

The problem seems to be in the 2nd decimal place on.

for example, the standings may look like

Team 1 .950
Team 3 .800 <------
Team 2 .833 <------
Team 4 .750
Team 6 .600

When it should read

Team 1 .950
Team 2 .833 <----
Team 3 .800 <----
Team 4 .750
Team 6 .600

The report is based on a query which calculates the winning percentage by
diving the number of wins by the total number of games played, to 3 Decimal
If I print out the query results, it sorts correctly, it is just the
report that doesn't print right.

Any suggestions where to look? I am a rookie.



Open the report in design view. Click on menu VIEW - Sorting and Grouping.
Select the field to sort and change default ascend to descend.


Thank you, I tried that and it is not working.

The bug gets goofier yet!
The reports sorts first by league U14, U13 etc. The sorts on Winning

I found that when I sort leagues in descending order (i.e. U14 to U9), the
winning % sorts correctly under the U14 league standings but under the 9
year old league standings, screws up.

When I change the league sort to from descending to ascending (U9 to U14),
then the U9 standings are correct and the U14 and wrong!

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