Report Sum is not working receive #Error or not totaling all



I have a report that is based off of a current users querie that feeds the

I created a Summary in my footer of columns I wanted a total sum of, for
example - Total Project Value is the text box bound box contains in the
control source =Sum([Total Project Value]) this one works however the next
box is the Total at Odds in the text box -- bound box contains in the control
source =Sum([Total at Odds]) it only displays a $0 and not the sum of all the
totals in that column. My thought for the error is that the original field
has calculations in it for example.. The Total Project at odds value =[Total
Project at Odds] * [per1].

I have tried all that I know which is limited but I can't seem to make this
work right!

Please help.



Marshall Barton

Debbie said:
I have a report that is based off of a current users querie that feeds the

I created a Summary in my footer of columns I wanted a total sum of, for
example - Total Project Value is the text box bound box contains in the
control source =Sum([Total Project Value]) this one works however the next
box is the Total at Odds in the text box -- bound box contains in the control
source =Sum([Total at Odds]) it only displays a $0 and not the sum of all the
totals in that column. My thought for the error is that the original field
has calculations in it for example.. The Total Project at odds value =[Total
Project at Odds] * [per1].

There's a couple of confusions in your question.

First, the Aggregate functions (Count, Sum, etc) only
operate on fields in the report's record source table/query,
they are unaware of controls on the report.

Second, you will often run into trouble if a control has the
same name as a field in the record source table/query.

With all that in mind, I think maybe you might want the
total project text box expression to be:

=Sum([Total Project Value] * [per1])

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