Report that takes latest/last entry in a subform ...

  • Thread starter StargateFanFromWork
  • Start date


I need to create a report for my team. I'm running out of time in my
contract and my supervisor hasn't had a chance to do this, so I need to take
care of this for them myself as it may take too long a time to complete

We have a form that has a subform that tracks correspondence. Though the
"history" shown in the subform is necessary, we only require that the last
entry out of the subform appear for each record. This entry has the
recordID of the main form, an employee name field and a status field. The
employee field shows to whom the docket was assigned to so we know where
each docket is at any given moment, even if only in theory! <g>

So the report needs 3 things from the form / tracking subform:

1) It needs to show all records assigned to each person on the team.
Therefore, the report will need to be grouped and sorted by employee with a
page break in between names so that we run only the one report but can
easily hand out the individual pages pertinent to each person (from the last
record in the tracking subform);
2) Info re the docket (from the form); and
3) The status of each docket (from the last record in the tracking

This seems like such a tall order to me as I haven't a clue where to start.
However, my boss has mentioned that she did this type of thing elsewhere
using a query of a query of a query, or somesuch. Can anyone point me in
the right direction so that I can start doing research on how to do this?
I'd really appreciate it, as well as my team! :eek:D


I need to create a report for my team. I'm running out of time in my
contract and my supervisor hasn't had a chance to do this, so I need to take
care of this for them myself as it may take too long a time to complete

We have a form that has a subform that tracks correspondence. Though the
"history" shown in the subform is necessary, we only require that the last
entry out of the subform appear for each record. This entry has the
recordID of the main form, an employee name field and a status field. The
employee field shows to whom the docket was assigned to so we know where
each docket is at any given moment, even if only in theory! <g>

So the report needs 3 things from the form / tracking subform:

1) It needs to show all records assigned to each person on the team.
Therefore, the report will need to be grouped and sorted by employee with a
page break in between names so that we run only the one report but can
easily hand out the individual pages pertinent to each person (from the last
record in the tracking subform);
2) Info re the docket (from the form); and
3) The status of each docket (from the last record in the tracking

This seems like such a tall order to me as I haven't a clue where to start.
However, my boss has mentioned that she did this type of thing elsewhere
using a query of a query of a query, or somesuch. Can anyone point me in
the right direction so that I can start doing research on how to do this?
I'd really appreciate it, as well as my team! :eek:D

Anyone? Even just a link to a webpage or something in help file would
be greatly appreciated. I don't know where to start.

Thanks so much! :eek:D

Brian Bastl

Do you have some way to define the last entry? Perhaps a Date/Time Stamp?



Brian Bastl said:
Do you have some way to define the last entry? Perhaps a Date/Time Stamp?

Ah, now I see what that "Date/Time Stamp" reference means. Still learning
the terminology!

I started another thread with title "How do I pull up the last entries of
all records for a report?" in this ng, as this particular thread here went
unanswered and that is very unusual so I knew I had a vague title/message.
I'm sure someone asked me about this D/T stamp and I didn't grasp what it
was at the time.

Yes, the "last" record in the tracking subform for each main record does
indeed have a date/time stamp so it seems that some sort of query using DMAX
will pull the latest info from the db for each main record. I'm looking
into the various responses from the other thread and will try to come up
with something over the weekend.

Thank you so much for enlightening me re this "Date/Time Stamp" words that
I'd seen before but hadn't grasped the meaning of! <g> One more piece of
information to add to my mental db re A2K! <lol>


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