report to email



Access 2000

I have a report with a linked logo (picture) in the header.

I want to email this report.

Is there a better way to email it then printing it to Word and then adding
the Word doc as an attachment?

If not, then I still have a problem. The logo does not carry over to
Word.rtf file and the first line is down from the margin the height of the
picture and I can't get it to move up.

Any ideas to help with this?


Greg Casper

Yes, there is a better way. Use the SendObject method from Access to email
it. This only works if your email program is MAPI compliant however, but
most are (like Outlook for example). You can lookup the format for the
command in Access Help. Be aware, however, that if you use the RTF format,
ALL your images will be deleted. Rich Text allows for some formatting but,
to my knowledge, will NOT let you imbed images.

Greg Casper


Excellent. Thanks. I'd forgotten about that.

Greg Casper said:
Yes, there is a better way. Use the SendObject method from Access to email
it. This only works if your email program is MAPI compliant however, but
most are (like Outlook for example). You can lookup the format for the
command in Access Help. Be aware, however, that if you use the RTF format,
ALL your images will be deleted. Rich Text allows for some formatting but,
to my knowledge, will NOT let you imbed images.

Greg Casper


OK, I got it working, but I want to restrict the data in the report. How do
I put in my criteria in the report. Normally I use the stLinkCriteria
variable in the docmd.openreport command line.


Greg Casper

That will work. The report is formatted BEFORE it's sent, so whatever you
specify in your stLinkCritria will be applied as the report is generated and
BEFORE it is sent.



Got it!!

I just run:

then the



Greg Casper

No. The SendObject method opens the report for you. You don't do a separate


Since I normally set the criteria in the docmd.openreport line, where do I
set it now?

I want the report to be the current record on a form so normally I would set
the criteria to "[InvNo] = " & me!InvNo

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