Use these two queries --
qryMale_Female --
SELECT [Department], IIF([Gender] = "Male", 1, 0) AS [M], IIF([Gender] =
"Female", 1, 0) AS [F]
FROM [YourTable]
GROUP BY [Department]
UNION ALL "All Departments" AS [Department], IIF([Gender] = "Male", 1, 0)
AS [M], IIF([Gender] = "Female", 1, 0) AS [F]
FROM [YourTable]
GROUP BY [Department];
SELECT [Department], Sum([M]) AS [Males], Sum([F]) AS [Females]
FROM [qryMale_Female]
GROUP BY [Department];
Build a little, test a little.
Thel said:
I want to add the number of "males" number of females, break by department
and also have a grand total for each. Does anyone have any sample code to do