Report using continuous form


Mannai Karthik

Hi all,

It would be nice if anyone give some suggesstion for my issue

I would like to generate a report for a specific record from a
continuous form

Env: MS Access 2003 , ADP project , ADO , SQL server 2000

Workflow as follows:

1. Constructed a recordset using ADO +SQL Server Stored procedures +
Command object
2. I have a continous form with lot of values including one primary key

using the recordset
3. Assigned the recordset into a report

While generating report from the continuous is showing all

the records..
I want to see the specific records ...user may select 15th record and
he wants to generate a report for that ...

I tried the following ..but no success

1. Filltered in the recordset before and after assinged into the
2. Filltered in the report
3. added where caluse while showing the report (docmd.openreport....)

Any idea ?

Many thanks

Mannai. Karthik

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