Report Viewer and Explorer web parts unavailable


Kurt Petteloot


We have a problem to make the SQL Reporting Services webparts available on
the Project Web Access.

We downloaded and installed the Reporting Services Add-In. The Report
Server, the sharepoint technology and the PWA all have been installed on the
same machine. The Sharepoint web has been installed under a web with a
different portnumber (15115) than the reportserver and reports webs (on port
80, default website).

The Reporting services run in integrated mode with sharepoint and we also
configured the Reporting Services integration from the sharepoint central
administration site.

Now we want to add a Report Explorer webpart and the Report Viewer webpart
to a page in the Project Web Access site. However, the webparts are not
present in the list of available web parts. Can anyone tell us what else we
can do to make these web parts available? What are we doing wrong?

Thanks for your help.
Kind Regards.


NZ Projects

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
-o addwppack -force –filename "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\80\Tools\Reporting Services\SharePoint\"

Kurt Petteloot

Thanks for the input. I was able to install the webparts now although a few
adaptations were required because stsadm.exe and the files were
located in different directories. Following are the commands as I executed

cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Reporting

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
extensions\12\BIN\stsadm.exe" -o addwppack -force -filename

The last command returned errors:

W2K3PSKPE : http://w2k3pskpe:15115/ : The solution was successfully deployed.
W2K3PSKPE : http://w2k3pskpe/ : SharePoint - 80 : Error: The web.config is
missing from this IIS Web Site:
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\web.config. Operation completed with errors.

However, (after executing iisreset, just to be on the save side) I opened
the PWA site (which is on port 15115) where I could succesfully insert the
webparts. the sharepoint site on port 80 had been removed allready. So I
guess that is where the error comes from. Right?

Anyway. Thanks for you help. this helped us moving forward again.

Kind regards

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