Report with a blank page



I have to run a report about certain client. I have a form
about clients. Then the viewer can click the button to
view certain client report. I used the onclick event and
the code is:

stDocName = "John's Form 2 Query Report"
strLinkCriteria = "[Patient_LastName] ='" &
[Patient_LastName] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, ,

The report shown up, however there is alway a second blank
page following that. How can I get rid of the blank page?

Wayne Morgan

You have something in the report that is exceeding either the right or
bottom margin.

What is the width of the report and the size of the left and right margins.
The 3 of these added together cannot exceed the width of the paper or you'll
get another, usually blank, page.


No margin problems. When I run the whole report, no blank
page shown up. When I run the report about certain clent,
the blank page shown up. I don't know how to fix it.
-----Original Message-----
You have something in the report that is exceeding either the right or
bottom margin.

What is the width of the report and the size of the left and right margins.
The 3 of these added together cannot exceed the width of the paper or you'll
get another, usually blank, page.

Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP

I have to run a report about certain client. I have a form
about clients. Then the viewer can click the button to
view certain client report. I used the onclick event and
the code is:

stDocName = "John's Form 2 Query Report"
strLinkCriteria = "[Patient_LastName] ='" &
[Patient_LastName] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, ,

The report shown up, however there is alway a second blank
page following that. How can I get rid of the blank


Wayne Morgan

Well, if it's not the right margin, then you are probably exceeding the
length of the page. Are any footers set to print on a new page? What footers
do you have? Are any sections allow to Shrink/Grow? If you shrink the
sections slightly can you get it to not go to a second page? Does the 2nd
page show in the Print Preview also or just when printed? If you have page
numbers in the footer, do they show on the blank page or is the page
completely blank? Are there any settings in your printer driver that would
cause this? Try using the driver's default settings.

Wayne Morgan
Microsoft Access MVP

John said:
No margin problems. When I run the whole report, no blank
page shown up. When I run the report about certain clent,
the blank page shown up. I don't know how to fix it.
-----Original Message-----
You have something in the report that is exceeding either the right or
bottom margin.

What is the width of the report and the size of the left and right margins.
The 3 of these added together cannot exceed the width of the paper or you'll
get another, usually blank, page.

Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP

I have to run a report about certain client. I have a form
about clients. Then the viewer can click the button to
view certain client report. I used the onclick event and
the code is:

stDocName = "John's Form 2 Query Report"
strLinkCriteria = "[Patient_LastName] ='" &
[Patient_LastName] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, ,

The report shown up, however there is alway a second blank
page following that. How can I get rid of the blank



I deleted the report footer and it works. Thanks a lot.
-----Original Message-----
Well, if it's not the right margin, then you are probably exceeding the
length of the page. Are any footers set to print on a new page? What footers
do you have? Are any sections allow to Shrink/Grow? If you shrink the
sections slightly can you get it to not go to a second page? Does the 2nd
page show in the Print Preview also or just when printed? If you have page
numbers in the footer, do they show on the blank page or is the page
completely blank? Are there any settings in your printer driver that would
cause this? Try using the driver's default settings.

Wayne Morgan
Microsoft Access MVP

No margin problems. When I run the whole report, no blank
page shown up. When I run the report about certain clent,
the blank page shown up. I don't know how to fix it.
-----Original Message-----
You have something in the report that is exceeding
the right or
bottom margin.

What is the width of the report and the size of the
and right margins.
The 3 of these added together cannot exceed the width
the paper or you'll
get another, usually blank, page.

Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP

I have to run a report about certain client. I have a form
about clients. Then the viewer can click the button to
view certain client report. I used the onclick event and
the code is:

stDocName = "John's Form 2 Query Report"
strLinkCriteria = "[Patient_LastName] ='" &
[Patient_LastName] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, ,

The report shown up, however there is alway a second blank
page following that. How can I get rid of the blank page?



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