Report with Detail Data and Sub Report - Multiple Pages?

  • Thread starter choriflai via
  • Start date

choriflai via

I am in need of a report that lists the detailed data in half a page and
contains two sub reports, each using half a page as well. In other words I
need for the first page to show the detail report and a sub report followed
by another sub report in the next page. Where do I need to place the sub
reports for this to happen??

Marshall Barton

choriflai said:
I am in need of a report that lists the detailed data in half a page and
contains two sub reports, each using half a page as well. In other words I
need for the first page to show the detail report and a sub report followed
by another sub report in the next page. Where do I need to place the sub
reports for this to happen??

Assuming the report does not have any grouping, try putting
it all in the detail section. Add a PageBreak control
between the subrepports and adjust the size/position of all
the detail controls so they appear at an appropriate place
on the pages.

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