I need to create a report in Access 2000 that prints multiple columns by
group and prints a row header in every page. The output is similar to a
pivot table view. Tried creating a subreport 1 for the row headers and a
subreport 2 for the multiple columns but subreport 2 only displays 1st
column. Thanks in advance for the help.
page 1
Location1 Location1 Location1
Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
Analyte Unit Result Flag Result Flag Result Flag
Lead mg/kg 3.5 U 7.7 J 350
Zinc mg/kg 35 U 711 3500
page 2
Location2 Location2 Location2
Sample11 Sample22 Sample39
Analyte Unit Result Flag Result Flag Result Flag
group and prints a row header in every page. The output is similar to a
pivot table view. Tried creating a subreport 1 for the row headers and a
subreport 2 for the multiple columns but subreport 2 only displays 1st
column. Thanks in advance for the help.
page 1
Location1 Location1 Location1
Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
Analyte Unit Result Flag Result Flag Result Flag
Lead mg/kg 3.5 U 7.7 J 350
Zinc mg/kg 35 U 711 3500
page 2
Location2 Location2 Location2
Sample11 Sample22 Sample39
Analyte Unit Result Flag Result Flag Result Flag