Report with multiple group columns - need count of each column

  • Thread starter DMUM via
  • Start date

DMUM via


I am trying to help someone with a report that she has created from the
following query:

SELECT qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.[Division Breakdown], qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.
Job_Family, qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.Title AS [Current Job Title],
qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.[Matrix_Job Title], Count(qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.ID) AS [#
of EE's]
FROM qry_Matrix_Curr_Back
GROUP BY qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.[Division Breakdown], qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.
Job_Family, qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.Title, qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.[Matrix_Job
Title], qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.Job_Function, qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.[Matrix_Job
HAVING (((qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.[Matrix_Job Code])<>"n/A"))
ORDER BY qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.[Division Breakdown], qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.
Job_Family, qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.Title, qry_Matrix_Curr_Back.[Matrix_Job

Basicly the report contains

Division Breakdown
Current job title

In the report she has a division breakdown footer as well as a report footer
which is used to count the columns. However, the columns were counting the
division column only. She wants to know how many are in each column by
Division breakdown. So say for instance a Division Breakdown can contain 5
job families which contain 17 different current job titles which contain 40
matrix job titles.

here is an example:
DivBreakdown Job_Family Current Job Title
Matrix_Job Title
Balboa AppArchitectur ArchSoftware Enginee
Enterprise Application Architect
Balboa AppDevelopment Dev, Sr - CRM
Developer, Sr
Balboa AppDevelopment SW Sys Engineer, Assoc Developer I

Balboa AppDevelopment SWSys Engineer, Assoc Developer II
Balboa AppDevelopment SW Systems Eng
Developer II
Balboa AppDevelopment SWSystems Eng
Developer III
Balboa AppDevelopment SWSystems Eng Developer,
Balboa AppDevelopment SW Systems Eng, Sr
Developer II
Balboa AppDevelopment SWSystems Eng, Sr
Developer III
Balboa AppDevelopment SWSystems Eng, Sr
Developer, Sr
Balboa AppDevelopment SWTechnical Spec
Developer II
Balboa AppDevelopment SWTechnical Spec
Developer III
Balboa AppDevelopment SWTechnical Spec
Developer, Lead
Balboa AppDevelopment SWTechnical Spec
Developer, Sr

In order to address this issue, I added a Job-Family footer and added a
textbox and set the control source to = 1 and set the running sum property to
"Over Group". This worked just fine.

I tried this again for the Current Job title column. This did not give me
the correct count. I know the problem is with the sort order so I changed
the REPORT sort order. This gave me the correct count for "Current Job" but
then gave me the wrong count for Job Family - it is actually giving me a
count of one.

By the way, I haven't addressed the last column yet....

I thought about creating a seperate query just to count Current Job title and
then have the query run on the footer format event. The problem with this is
I don't know what to refernece in order for the count to show in the correct
portions (under the correct division(divbreakdown) of the report. I can't
say "where divbreakdown = " because the division names can change and can be
added to or be removed over time depending on the data provided (basicly it
has to remain dynamic). I keep coming up woth different ideas but I can't
use anything that requires I specify the divbreakdown name. HELP!. I know
there is a way to do this but i think I am making it more complicated then it
should be - I hope.

Thank you

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