I built a graph with a serie of data.
Excel allows me to point out the values on the graph in corrispondence
of each node.
Since data for creating the graph are strange to understand can I show
other data, related to the previous ones?
An example:
I have a graph with names of factory's items on the x-axis and the time
to produce them on the y-axis.
Since the lead time is expressed in minutes and the values are very big
(each value is about 10^5 minutes) in my worksheet I translated them in
days,hours and minutes.
How can I report this alternative values on the graph in corrispondence
of the nodes?
I apologize for my English.
Any answers or suggestions are welcome!
TIA Alex
Excel allows me to point out the values on the graph in corrispondence
of each node.
Since data for creating the graph are strange to understand can I show
other data, related to the previous ones?
An example:
I have a graph with names of factory's items on the x-axis and the time
to produce them on the y-axis.
Since the lead time is expressed in minutes and the values are very big
(each value is about 10^5 minutes) in my worksheet I translated them in
days,hours and minutes.
How can I report this alternative values on the graph in corrispondence
of the nodes?
I apologize for my English.
Any answers or suggestions are welcome!
TIA Alex