Reporting Help


Carl Jarvis

I am trying to write an Access database to replace an Excel spreadsheet I
previously wrote. The main purpose of the spreadsheet is to present results
to customers.

I am quite new to access but have designed the table and have a basic
understanding of queries, however I feel I am banging my head against a
brick wall with the reporting side of Access.

Is there a way of making a complete bespoke report using control boxes and
ignoring wizards etc? I seem to be unable to do this. I would aim to have
something looking like :

Sales Volume Penetration Income
1 Income 2 Sum Of Income etc etc
Jan 1 10000 32%
100 200 300
Feb 6 27000

In other words I want to 'draw' the report myself and control what Access
shows in each box using formulas (Month ([Date Sold])=1 AND V([Sum Of
Volume]) etc.

I guess my questions are :

1. Can Access calculate in the report part?

2. Can I have complete design control over the report and how / where do I
store the sums (I have tried expression builders within text boxes etc)

I hope I am making myself clear?


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