I've got a worksheet, c 200 rows, with data in Cols A to L (range name
"Data") where Column L (range name "Result") has a series of variable
numeric values.
I want to create a new worksheet that reports just those rows that satisfy a
variable criteria (single cell with range name "criterion").
That is - report all rows in "Data" range where the "Result" value is, eg,
greater than or less than "criterion") value
Can SKS help me to do it
"Data") where Column L (range name "Result") has a series of variable
numeric values.
I want to create a new worksheet that reports just those rows that satisfy a
variable criteria (single cell with range name "criterion").
That is - report all rows in "Data" range where the "Result" value is, eg,
greater than or less than "criterion") value
Can SKS help me to do it