Reporting Highest Values



I've got a worksheet, c 200 rows, with data in Cols A to L (range name
"Data") where Column L (range name "Result") has a series of variable
numeric values.

I want to create a new worksheet that reports just those rows that satisfy a
variable criteria (single cell with range name "criterion").

That is - report all rows in "Data" range where the "Result" value is, eg,
greater than or less than "criterion") value

Can SKS help me to do it


Bernie Deitrick


Select your data, then use Data / Filters.. Autofilter Select the dropdown at the top of
column L, select Custom, and then set your criteria. Select your data table again after the filter
has been applied, then copy and paste in a new sheet. The visible cells only should be copied - if
you get all the cells, used Edit / Go To... Visisble cells only OK prior to copying.

MS Excel MVP

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