Jennifer Corle
Using Excel 2003, I am trying to create a sheet (?Reporting?) to compile the project information kept on another sheet (?2009?) in the same workbook. Essentially, once I can get this one thing figured out, I can probably figure out the rest of it. I want to figure out which columns in the ?2009? sheet have a certain Agenda Item and Project Number that match the Project Number on the ?Reporting? sheet and bring back the date that the item was approved from the ?2009? sheet. I tried it with an example that I know should come up with a date, however I?m not getting any results.
Here are the attempts I?ve made so far. I'm just trying to come up with a report, of sorts.
2009 Sheet:
Column A: ?Date? Column D: ?Agenda Item? Column H: ?Project No.?
Reporting Sheet:
Column A: ?Project No.?
1456="Advertise for Bids",'2009'!H2:H1456=A111),'2009'!A2:A1456,"None") RETURN: ?NONE?
1456="Advertise for Bids?,'2009'!H2:H1456=Reporting!A111),'2009'!A2:A1456," None ") RETURN: ?NONE?
1456="Advertise for Bids ",IF('2009'!H2:H1456=Reporting!A111,'2009'!A2:A1456,"None")) RETURN: ?FALSE?
1456="Advertise for Bids"),--('2009'!H2:H1456=Reporting!A118)),'2009'!A2:A1456,"None") RETURN: ?NONE?
1456="Advertise for Bids?, IF('2009'!H2:H1456=A111,'2009'!A2:A1456,"None")) RETURN: ?FALSE?
I ended up trying a ?Sumproduct?, and they were all returning a false code.
1246)="Advertise for Bids"),--('2009'!H2:H1246)=('2009'!A111)),('2009'!A2:A1246)
1246="Advertise for Bids"),'2009'!A2:A1246)
1246="Advertise for Bids"),'2009'!A2:A1246)
Thanks all!
Jennifer Corle
City of South Bend
Department of Engineering & Board of Public Works
EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
ASP.NET Application State and Application Object
Here are the attempts I?ve made so far. I'm just trying to come up with a report, of sorts.
2009 Sheet:
Column A: ?Date? Column D: ?Agenda Item? Column H: ?Project No.?
Reporting Sheet:
Column A: ?Project No.?
I ended up trying a ?Sumproduct?, and they were all returning a false code.
Thanks all!
Jennifer Corle
City of South Bend
Department of Engineering & Board of Public Works
EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
ASP.NET Application State and Application Object