Reporting Time and Progress



Hi All,

We are currently evaluating Project Server 2007 and have come up with
a possible show stopper, but hoping this is not the case, we are setup
to report back progress and timesheet.

Calendar based upon 8 hour working day, (work in hours and not days)
"Task 1" assigned to me Start: 19-05-2009 :: Finish: 19-05-2009 (no
later than)

I go to "My Tasks" and select "Task 1"
Total work: 1d
Completed work: 0
Start: 19-05-2009
Finish: 19-05-2009
Remaining work: 8h

I then change Completed work to 12h (press recalculate)
Start: 19-05-2009
Finish: 20-05-2009
Remaining work: 0h

So wait, I worked an additional 4 hours today. but Project Says I will
finish this tomoz.

Right so if i change it to this
Completed work to 12h
Start: 19-05-2009
Finish: 19-05-2009
Remaining work: 0h
and press save, Project will update my task progress and say I
actually did 4 hours on the 18-05-09 and 8 hours on the 19-05-2009,
But what if I have already worked 8 hours that previous day?

I just want to say to project, yes I know my calendar is based on 8
hours but I worked some additional hours today, not yesterday, not
tomorrow, Today!
(obviously i cant change my standard calendar to 12 hours as this
would affect time scales)

Also not sure if there is a tool out there, but would really like to
intergrate progress and timesheet better.


thanks for reply, how can I stop a user submitting a time sheet that
is less than they have indicated on progress on a task
ie: task is 6 hours, i complete the task in 6 hours, i then goto my
time sheet and say I spent 5 hours on it.

how can i stop a user submitting a a timesheet that indicated they
compeleted 6 hours but in the timesheet only put 5 hours (ie cant be
less than progress reported)?

Gary L. Chefetz

This question seems unrelated to the first, and I'm not sure that you've
provided enough information for me to understand the question or answer it
fully. If you allow users to report time through the timesheet, and task
progress through the My Tasks page independent of each other, then there is
no way to guarantee that this information will be in synch and that is by
design. You can add the codeplex solution to run the timesheet in tied mode
with the My Tasks page which forces a single point of entry, which may
overcome the problem you are having that isn't very clear from your post.

If this doesn't answer your question, then I suggest that you start a new
thread covering the new topic. Because you seem to be evaluating this
product without professional assistance, you may very well overlook
important features that, when used together, may overcome what seem to be
objection points at first. I suggest you state the scenario you're trying to
address when asking these questions.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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