reportoutput to make table



Is there any way to take a report and make the results into a table? Sorry
if this seems a stupid question, but I'm a novice in over his head on a
project I volunteered for.

Douglas J. Steele

A report displays data that's in a table. Why would you need to create the
report as an intermediary step? Why not just create the table from the
original data or (better yet) create a query of the original data that
displays the desired data (so that you don't have to store it redundantly)?


Douglas J. Steele said:
A report displays data that's in a table. Why would you need to create the
report as an intermediary step? Why not just create the table from the
original data or (better yet) create a query of the original data that
displays the desired data (so that you don't have to store it redundantly)?
The report has one column that is calculated from an expression
"=IIf(([Total Of Present]>[Allocated]),[Allocated],[Total Of Present])". I
have not been able to figure out how put that in a query. I get errors
regarding field heading and the expression not being related. What I am
ultimately after is a total of the values from this column. This is a
project that I taught myself enough Access four years ago to do. It had a
procedural bottleneck that I fixed by substituting the above expression for
manually editing the data, but I broke my Total Subreport in the process. In
the meantime I’ve forgotten most of what I learned four years ago so I
appreciate any help you can give.


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