Reports for specific Records




being a newbie, learning very slowly here so any help would be great.

I have several tables so far with differing data.

What i want to do, is create a report for a specific record which contains
data for from various tables.

The other issue I have too is that I want one table to show all info from
various other tables. I can create one subform(i think it is called), this
contains data from one table, but I need something similar to access the
other tables.

I am hoping this makes some sense.

Lastly I will need to know how to create reminders (and I need the idiot
proof way of doing this). I am dealing with certificates in one table which
all have expiration dates which need to be brought to the users attention at
a predetermined time.

I have msn messenger or you can email me.
(e-mail address removed)



Hi Garteth

Access uses tables to store data and queries to preform calcualtion and
forms to input data - many forms are based on querys as that can be sorted
filtered and many other things.

YOu should not work directly on the table but use a form based on a query
(the query is based on one or more tables)

What i want to do, is create a report for a specific record which contains
data for from various tables.
There are lots of way to do this
you can apply a filter with a button on a form
you can filter the query the report is based on

The other issue I have too is that I want one table to show all info from
various other tables.
You can create a query based on many tables
you do not need to show "all" the fields from each tables (in fact you
should only include the fields you really need - or your query wll run slower

If you hve a specific question then post back and I'm sure someone will be
able to help

good luck

Oh, you can search MS for tutiton on many aspects of access includeing querys

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