Guy Hocking
Hi There,
I am relatively new to Access (2002) so forgive me.
I wish to make a form , with a button, that when pressed prompts for a start
date, then an end date, then a start time then a end time......
So a report then displays the data from the specified time/date period. How
would i go about making the report/form/query to do this?
Once i get this around my head i can successfully to the other reports (i
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I am relatively new to Access (2002) so forgive me.
I wish to make a form , with a button, that when pressed prompts for a start
date, then an end date, then a start time then a end time......
So a report then displays the data from the specified time/date period. How
would i go about making the report/form/query to do this?
Once i get this around my head i can successfully to the other reports (i
Please remove ANTI and SPAM from my
email address before sending me an email.