Reports list form to print from...


Aussie T-Bone

How do I create a a form displaying a list of reports that I can select and
print from?
I recall seeing it many years ago but don't remember now :-(
I know the list source is [MSysObject.type] = "-32764" to return the
[MSysObject.Name] for the list. I just can't seem to build the form to
reflect the list and selection to print. Help please :)

Allen Browne

Use a combo or list box, with its RowSource set to:
SELECT MSysObjects.Name
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE ((MSysObjects.[Name] Not Like "~*")
AND (MSysObjects.[Type] = -32764))
ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;

Add a command button for printing the report.
Its Click event procedure will be something like this:
If IsNull(Me.cboReport) Then
MsgBox "Select a report to print"
DoCmd.OpenReport Me.cboReport, acViewPreview
End If

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