Good evening Ofer,
Thanks, I knew something had to do with column widths.
I have my Field Names, ie Description in Combo Boxes, and everything is
working well, thanks to some much needed help. Here is what I would also like
to do in my Report and have not been able to do as of yet. I have a
Description Header and a Description Footer. In the Description Footer, I
would like to have a phrase which says something like ="Summary of" &
[Description]&": " My problem is that since the FieldName Description is in
a Combo Box, I can't seem to do that without using a label for the "Summary
of" portion then placing Description in the Combo Box quite close by the
Label and then adding another Label for the ":"
Is there a way to do that without having to redo my tables, queries, forms,
Also, may I have a table without a Primary Key and have it function
correctly as a Lookup Table?