Reports to Word Files


Mark Mesarch

It seems that you cannot export a ACCESS report directly
into a Word document. AM I just missing something in how
to do this.

Here is an example of why I would want to do this. We
have a bibliography database. The information can be used
for web querries and reprint accounting. But we need to
create a report for administration that has to be in their
specific format. Word Documents with hanging indents for
each citation. You cannot creat hanging indents in ACCESS
report formats.

Any thoughts.

Larry Linson

It seems that you cannot export
a ACCESS report directly into a
Word document. AM I just missing
something in how to do this.

"Directly"? You can save a report in RTF form which Word can open and
which you can then modify and save as a Word document. Caveat: exact
transfer of the format in this situation isn't a "strong point".

Here is an example . . . We have
a bibliography database. The infor-
mation can be used for web querries
and reprint accounting. But we need
to create a report for administration
that has to be in their specific format.
Word Documents with hanging indents
for each citation. You cannot creat
hanging indents in ACCESS report formats.

Yes, you are correct. Access has a Reporting tool, and it is as good
as any I have ever used, desktop or mainframe; Access does _not_
include all Word Processing functionality in its Reporting tool. You
can manually change the paragraph style once you get it into Word,
however. You could automate that change with VBA code inside Word.

Alternatively, you could use Word as an automation server, control it
from Access, and create the document exactly as you desire. But I will
caution: that isn't going to be anything nearly as easy as creating a
Report. It's going to take a good understanding of VBA and the object
models of both Access and Word. And even a beginning tutorial is far
beyond the scope of a newsgroup article.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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