Thank you for your reply, please read on and see the following 2 examples,
the first example you'll notice that although I want the long date it
show it, second one I can not get the £ sign to show in the report or the
maybe i might have to charge some thing in either tables, quary or report
="on the " & [date of birth]
=IIf(Len(nz([Charges1]))=0,Null,[Charges1] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) &
IIf(Len(nz([Charges2]))=0,Null,[Charges2] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) &
IIf(Len(nz([Charges3]))=0,Null,[Charges3] & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
Thank you very much
Allen Browne said:
If the currency value is the only thing in the text box, set the
Format property to Currency or Short Date or whatever.
If the expression is more complex, use the Format() function in the
expression, e.g.:
="Please pay " & Format([Amount], "Currency") & " by " &
Format([DueDate], "Medium Date")
Hi I am trying to create a report for invoicing, but I not having any
finding the expression so that if I have data plus date for instance I
not get a long date, or is I null my expressions for curreny it takes
£ sign and the 0's, ( I hope I have explained it properly!)