Repost: A97 and XP Home


Richard Krupa

Hey guys,

I posted this question before and i was reffered to a website but it did not
help me.

Im wondering if there are any issues with A97 and XP Home? The FE's are
noticably slower when run under XP Home than when used under Win98 SE and
its driving me mad. If its just one FE linked into the database its quick,
as soon as other FE on different comps start up, its slow. If they start two
different FE's (as in different programs) that use the same databases,
everything is quick again but if u stop one of the FE's it slows down again.

Its really strange, anyone got any ideas?


Have you got those FEs on the same PC with the BE, or do you have a copy on
each desktop?
(The latter is the preferred configuration.)

= Turtle

John Vinson

Im wondering if there are any issues with A97 and XP Home? The FE's are
noticably slower when run under XP Home than when used under Win98 SE and
its driving me mad. If its just one FE linked into the database its quick,
as soon as other FE on different comps start up, its slow.

Check Tony Toews' performance FAQ:

You may be able to improve performance using some of the tips here.

Richard Krupa

the BE sits on the server. The FE are on terminals that link to the BE
tables through the network using UNC

MacDermott said:
Have you got those FEs on the same PC with the BE, or do you have a copy on
each desktop?
(The latter is the preferred configuration.)

= Turtle

Richard Krupa

Thanks john, thats the website ive already looked at and there is nothing
there that affects me. Most of the tips relate to 2000 not A97


Tony Toews

Richard Krupa said:
Thanks john, thats the website ive already looked at and there is nothing
there that affects me. Most of the tips relate to 2000 not A97

Actually the recordset connection does apply to A97 as well. It
definitely makes a difference when relinking tables.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Richard Krupa

Hi Tony,

Thanks but it does not relate to me because ive been doing that for the last
4 yrs. All my databases have a "ZZLock" table, when my apps open they load
hidden forms that link to the "ZZLock" table forcing the ldb files to remain
as your webpage suggests.

In fact i'm pretty sure i read that exact page years ago and thats why i do
it :)

I dont suffer from this speed problem on sites that are using Win98 SE it
just seems to be the XP users so i'm wondering if its some setting in XP
thats causing it or the extra security in XP as apposed to Win98?

Also with more than one user logged in relinking is very very slow but as
soon as i close the other apps its flies off again but the reason cant be
because i'm not creating persistent recordsets because as ive said ive been
doing that for a few years now.

Which is why i suspect its because of something to do with XP but i dont


Albert D. Kallal

Tony Toews said:
Actually the recordset connection does apply to A97 as well. It
definitely makes a difference when relinking tables.

I will add, that I have also experienced a very slow delay when using a97
with a bunch of windows XP pc's. Your time honoured solutions of keeping a
reocrdset open fixed this performance problem, and restored things back to
what I got with the win98 boxes.

So, in note, to the original poster, keeping the connection open also does
apply to a97, and removed some real nasty delays when opening a form.

Albert D. Kallal

Richard Krupa said:
Hi Tony,

Thanks but it does not relate to me because ive been doing that for the last
4 yrs. All my databases have a "ZZLock" table, when my apps open they load
hidden forms that link to the "ZZLock" table forcing the ldb files to remain
as your webpage suggests.

In fact i'm pretty sure i read that exact page years ago and thats why i do
it :)

I just added a post to this thread, and I did see the above. So, clearly you
are keeping the back end opened. Hum, perhaps new anti virus software?
Also with more than one user logged in relinking is very very slow but as

Yes, I seen that with a97 also. If you re-link the first table, and then
open that table,t he re-linking process will be very fast (since you are
re-linking, you can't possibly have a connection open to the back end
file!). However, if you do open a table to the back end, then the rest of
the linking process will be fast.

However, I always re-link on the server, and then re-distribute a pre-linked
mde to each user anyway (there should be no need to re-link on each
workstation if you do this).

Richard Krupa

Hi Albert,

They have nortons anti-virus, same as the Win98 sites. Its not the virus
software because this is a new site and the virus software was not loaded
onto the system until a few days later.

I can have the app prelinked for most sites, however for some sites this
cant be done because they UNC names a different to the standard naming code
i give sites. This is because their hardware was setup by a 3rd company and
they installed win 2002 servers and named the server different from what
sites a generally setup as. We have 100 or so sites that update via the
internet, each terminal at sites have a local database that stores the UNC
path details, when they download the update and install, the sites without
the standard naming code get an error that says it cant find the BE. They
press the "Relink" button and the app relinks the tables as per the UNC
details that are stored in the local database (On local drive C:\ where the
FE's are)

The process works great except for the XP site where relinking can take up
to 8mins as opposed to 30seconds on 98 sites.
With regards to this slow relinking and the second part of your post. I've
setup mutliple databases that are located in the same directory. Exampe:

Receipt details/tables are stored in the Receipts Database
Stock details/Tables are stored in the stock Database.

Are you saying that when i relink the first table to the receipts database i
should open that table to create the LDB and the linking to the rest of the
tables in that database will be quicker?

So when i link to table A in the receipts database, i open table A straight
away and linking to tables B C D E F G etc... in the receipts database will
be alot quicker?

And the same with stock and the rest of them?
Once the tables have been relinked, it reloads the startup form which then
loads the hidden forms which will create the LDB files.

It makes sense, but it still does not the answer the question of why this is
a problem with WinXP. Obviously i'm not doing this, yet with Win98 sites i
dont have a problem, relinking etc... is very very fast. This is the first
WinXP that we have installed the software on, so ive not come across it

Also if i load a second FE on the terminal, the application loads straight
away, i assume thats because the links to that terminal have already been
created and it does not need to go through everything again. Would it be
worth writting a small program that does nothing except creating the LDB
files by linking to the BE and have it to auto start when windows starts and
have it minimize to the system tray so its out of the way? This would mean
that the terminal has perm LDB's created before they even start one of the
FE's. The only problem with this tho is that it seems WinXP does not
establish a network straight away which means that if i do this, that app
wont work because the network is not ready and wont be able to find the BE

Is there away to force XP not to load into windows until the network has
been established? Ive given each computer an IP address but it still does
not seem to have an active network straight away, it seems to take a min or
so before the network is ready which is another thing thats annoying me
about XP.

Hope ive made sense :p thanks for the help, i really appreciate it.


Albert D. Kallal

Richard Krupa said:
Hi Albert,

Are you saying that when i relink the first table to the receipts database i
should open that table to create the LDB and the linking to the rest of the
tables in that database will be quicker?

Yes. That is what both Tony and I are suggesting.
So when i link to table A in the receipts database, i open table A straight
away and linking to tables B C D E F G etc... in the receipts database will
be alot quicker?

Yes, the above is what usually fixes the speed problem during linking.
It makes sense, but it still does not the answer the question of why this is
a problem with WinXP.

The file systems between the two systems are so different as to not even be
from the same planet. There should be no surprises. Each file in windows XP
can have individual security and permissions set. That means you can take a
floppy disk, copy a file to the desktop on the server, and then copy that
file to a workstation, and the user will NOT be able to open he file unless
proper permissions is set. So, no, I don't have any surprises at all, since
you are taking a completely different operating system,a and you are also
talking about a system that can apply individual security to each file on
your computer. Win 98 has no such features. This security stuff can cost

However, we are suggesting that keeping the connection open will fix your
re-link performance problem. You do seem to hint that this suggestion is NOT
workiung for you when forms and the general running of the applcition runs
slow. Now, as to why keeping the back end opened is not working for you is a
Would it be
worth writting a small program that does nothing except creating the LDB
files by linking to the BE and have it to auto start when windows starts and
have it minimize to the system tray so its out of the way? This would mean
that the terminal has perm LDB's created before they even start one of the

I would not bother. That seems way too kuligy. When one starts talking about
autostring some applications like ms-access, then I think something has gone

The strange problem here is that you are telling us that keeping a
connection open to the back end does NOT fix the slow form loads and your
application runs slow. I am quite sure that Tony's link trick will at least
speed up the re-linking process.
Is there away to force XP not to load into windows until the network has
been established?

I would not look some kluge solution like that. Perhaps the network people
don't know what they are doing!
Ive given each computer an IP address but it still does
not seem to have an active network straight away, it seems to take a min or
so before the network is ready which is another thing thats annoying me
about XP.

You might ask in the networking newsgroups, and see if any suggestions come
up. (I have not heard of your above problem being posted in ms-access
newsgroups). I not sure how soon the network connection is supposed occur,
but it certainly is not a ms-access problem.

Richard Krupa

Thanks for the reply Albert,

Ive made the changes to the relinking procedures and will test at the site


Tony Toews

Albert D. Kallal said:
I will add, that I have also experienced a very slow delay when using a97
with a bunch of windows XP pc's. Your time honoured solutions of keeping a
reocrdset open fixed this performance problem, and restored things back to
what I got with the win98 boxes.

So, in note, to the original poster, keeping the connection open also does
apply to a97, and removed some real nasty delays when opening a form.

Glad to hear it. I've always had a GlobalOptions form based on a
GlobalOptions table all the time so have never had a chance to see
this performance slowdown in A97.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

Richard Krupa

Hey guys,

Thanks for the help, finially got the app going at the correct speed, the
main problem was i was missing a perm link to two of the databases (woops)

The only other question i got is when the app closes down in XP it takes
forever, i assume its because its closing all the links, is there anyway i
can speed this up? or is that just something i'll have to live with?


Tony Toews

Richard Krupa said:
Thanks for the help, finially got the app going at the correct speed, the
main problem was i was missing a perm link to two of the databases (woops)

Glad to hear it.
The only other question i got is when the app closes down in XP it takes
forever, i assume its because its closing all the links, is there anyway i
can speed this up? or is that just something i'll have to live with?

Hmmm, that doesn't make any sense. And I have no idea why. Are you
closing the permanent connections yourself by closing the recordset?
Or did you use a hidden form.

Do you have some logic behind a hidden form?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

Richard Krupa

Hi tony,

Im using the hidden form method. Once again this is only a problem with XP.
I'm closing all the forms etc... before i quit but it just takes forever.
When i look at the network icon in the system tray its just on perm blue for
about 40seconds then the app quits and it all calmns down.


Tony Toews

Richard Krupa said:
Im using the hidden form method.

Just to clarify this. Do you have a number of recordsets opened in
the forms OnOpen event and then closed in the forms On Close event?

Or are you just closing the form which opened the recordsets?
Once again this is only a problem with XP.
I'm closing all the forms etc... before i quit but it just takes forever.
When i look at the network icon in the system tray its just on perm blue for
about 40seconds then the app quits and it all calmns down.

I'm not familiar with the network icon.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

Richard Krupa

Hi tony,

The forms just have the "dummy" tables set as their recordsource.

The network icon is the icon that appears in the system tray that shows u
the network traffic. You can ask it to show by going into the local area
connection properties and ticking the box "Show icon in notification area
when connected"


Tony Toews

Richard Krupa said:
The forms just have the "dummy" tables set as their recordsource.

Ah, so you have one form per BE MDB open to your ZZLocks table which
only has 0 or 1 records in it.
The network icon is the icon that appears in the system tray that shows u
the network traffic. You can ask it to show by going into the local area
connection properties and ticking the box "Show icon in notification area
when connected"

Ah, that icon. Ok, now I know what you mean.

I still have no idea what would be causing this problem though. If
you close each of the hidden forms manually do you see this same
network traffic? Does one of them take a lot longer than the others?
Just guessing.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

Richard Krupa

Hey tony,

Yeah mate, each database has a ZZLock table with one record in it. The
hidden forms have the ZZLock tables set as their recordsource

Yep, the network traffic is still very very busy. What i'm doing is closing
down the forms before i exit the app. Ive only just started doing this
however, in the past ive just closed the app without closing the ZZlock
forms first. It makes no difference either way, network traffic is massive
and takes about 40seconds to close on XP only. Win98 sites close straight


P.S Thanks for the time u r spending to help me with this too, i greatly
appreciate it

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