Firstly, many thanks to Rod Scoullar for his support to
this point.
I am working with a form (SelectFrm)in which employee
names (EeID)are added from a bound multi-select listbox
into an unbound multiselect listbox. Course ID numbers
(ClsID) are also contained in the top of the form. I would
like to have code create a new record in the AttenTbl for
each employee in the unbound listbox (matching with the
ClsID for each).
I have code that I believe should work, but I get the
error message "Object or provider is not capable of
performing the requested operation." I will post the code
Many thanks in advance to any who can assist.
===Start Code===
Private Sub CmdDone_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CloseFrm_Click
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim varPtr As Variant
Dim lngClsID As Long
Dim lngEeID As Long
' open a recordset which contains records from the
AttenTbl table
strSQL = "Select * From AttenTbl"
rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection
' set the value to the Class ID to add Attendees to
lngClsID = ClsID
' enumerate each item selected from the list
For Each varPtr In SelEeID.ItemsSelected
rs.AddNew ' add a new record to AttenTbl
lngEeID = SelEeID.Column(0, varPtr) ' where 0
is the column number corresponding to the EeID
rs!AttenClsID = lngClsID ' set the values for
the new record
rs!AttenEeID = lngEeID
rs.Update ' save the new record
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdDone_Click
End Sub
this point.
I am working with a form (SelectFrm)in which employee
names (EeID)are added from a bound multi-select listbox
into an unbound multiselect listbox. Course ID numbers
(ClsID) are also contained in the top of the form. I would
like to have code create a new record in the AttenTbl for
each employee in the unbound listbox (matching with the
ClsID for each).
I have code that I believe should work, but I get the
error message "Object or provider is not capable of
performing the requested operation." I will post the code
Many thanks in advance to any who can assist.
===Start Code===
Private Sub CmdDone_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CloseFrm_Click
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim varPtr As Variant
Dim lngClsID As Long
Dim lngEeID As Long
' open a recordset which contains records from the
AttenTbl table
strSQL = "Select * From AttenTbl"
rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection
' set the value to the Class ID to add Attendees to
lngClsID = ClsID
' enumerate each item selected from the list
For Each varPtr In SelEeID.ItemsSelected
rs.AddNew ' add a new record to AttenTbl
lngEeID = SelEeID.Column(0, varPtr) ' where 0
is the column number corresponding to the EeID
rs!AttenClsID = lngClsID ' set the values for
the new record
rs!AttenEeID = lngEeID
rs.Update ' save the new record
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdDone_Click
End Sub