Repost - Browsers: Hyperlink appearance and font sizes


Craig Schiller

Hello -

Posted this a few days ago and got a few responses but they didn't
provide real solutions. If anyone has any additional info I'd certainly
appreciate it...


Hi, all -

Okay, here's a couple problems I'm having with FP 2002 that I'd
appreciate help with...

1) I designed all my pages from a single "new page" template, so that
all pages have certain properties set. Among these are the rollover
effects for my hyperlinks (as set in Page properties/Background/rollover

effects). I have them set for underline and small caps on all pages.
The problem is, when viewed in IE (version 6.0), the links when moused
over do not change to small caps at all on two of my pages. On the other

five, they work as expected. But on all of the pages, none of the links
located within FP-generated nav bars (the ones generated by FP's
navigation feature) change to small caps when moused over. BUT, in
Netscape 7.0, *all* of the links on *every* page display as expected
when moused over.

2) However, in Netscape 7.0, just *one* of my pages which looks
perfectly normal in IE 6.0 has the font sizes all wrong - text set to
the "normal" FP setting (9 pt) appears to be 18 or 24 points, what I've
set as larger font size appears smaller, etc. All of the other pages
display properly in Netscape.


To repeat, all of the links within the body text of all pages have been
generated using the same new page template, so there should be no
variation there fro page to page. All navigation links have been
generated by FP 2002.

Any insights into what's going on here would be greatly appreciated, as

Craig Schiller

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