Hi Ed,
as it seems, nobody has a better idea,
the fastest and most unreliable way,
which searches unfortunately for one string only,
is to use the DOS-command find, like
C:\Test>find /C "JOHN BROWN" *.doc > c:\test\result.txt
and evaluate result.txt, which looks like that:
---------- AND.DOC: 0
---------- DOC-001.DOC: 0
---------- DOC-002.DOC: 0
---------- DOC-004.DOC: 0
---------- PAGE-03.DOC: 0
---------- PAGE-04.DOC: 0
---------- SPONSOR.DOC: 1
"JOHN BROWN" is found in "SPONSOR.DOC"
See help on find:
C:\Test>find /?
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA
Vista Small Business, Office XP