Repost: Index Match lookup formula returns #N/A error



I have a file A with a list of item numbers in column A and
corresponding quantities in column B. The item numbers in file A were
imported as a text field, the quantity field type is number.
In file B I have the same information, which I typed in by hand.
Therefore, the item number field and the quantity number field types
are numbers.
I have used the following formula to populate file A with the
information from file B:

{=INDEX('[File A.xls]Sheet1'!$D$4:$D$74,MATCH(('[File
B.xls]Sheet1'!A11),'[File A.xls]Sheet1'!$A$4:$A$74,0))}

The curious thing that is happening is that most of the quantity values

are found and filled into file A properly. However, some of the
quantity values are not returned but the formula rather returns the
#N/A value. I checked to make sure that the item numbers are listed in
both files.

Any idea why this is happening?
All help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
A. Crawford


I noted that the the cells returning the #N/A error are referring to
item numbers that have a different format than the ones that do return
the correct quantity number.
For example, a number such as 12345 will return the #N/A error and a
number like 12345-67 will return the correct quantity number. I still
have not a clue why. Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance.
A. Crawford

Dave Peterson

There's a difference in values between the text '12345 and the number 12345.

(Text values can be preceded with an apostrophe or the cell could have been
pre-formatted as Text, then the value entered.)

Debra Dalgleish goes into more detail:

(although using =vlookup(), but the idea is the same.)
I noted that the the cells returning the #N/A error are referring to
item numbers that have a different format than the ones that do return
the correct quantity number.
For example, a number such as 12345 will return the #N/A error and a
number like 12345-67 will return the correct quantity number. I still
have not a clue why. Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance.
A. Crawford
I have a file A with a list of item numbers in column A and
corresponding quantities in column B. The item numbers in file A were
imported as a text field, the quantity field type is number.
In file B I have the same information, which I typed in by hand.
Therefore, the item number field and the quantity number field types
are numbers.
I have used the following formula to populate file A with the
information from file B:

{=INDEX('[File A.xls]Sheet1'!$D$4:$D$74,MATCH(('[File
B.xls]Sheet1'!A11),'[File A.xls]Sheet1'!$A$4:$A$74,0))}

The curious thing that is happening is that most of the quantity values

are found and filled into file A properly. However, some of the
quantity values are not returned but the formula rather returns the
#N/A value. I checked to make sure that the item numbers are listed in
both files.

Any idea why this is happening?
All help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
A. Crawford

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