repost... Listbox


Jim C.

I've added code to a listbox's mousedown event to trigger
a rightclick shourtcut menu. I Most windows applications,
when you right click the menu appears AND the item is
selected. I have been unable to duplicate this. here is a
copy of the code i'm working with...

Private Sub lbTakeoff_Mouseup(ByVal Button As Integer,
ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As

If Button = 2 Then
End If

End Sub


jim c.

code works great... i had to change Clng to ((y-10)/10) to
account for the header...

only one problem, my procedures require listindex to be
selected. right now they appear to only be activated
(just a rectangle) no blue highlight...

what you gave me though really helps alot... thankyou

jim c.

should have told you listbox is multiselect... when
changed to single, your code works perfect

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