Hi. I posted the message below yesterday, with no
response. Can no one help with this? Ive tried deleting
the MSysCompactError table and then recompacting and
repairing the db and I get the same table appearing but
with nothing in the ErrorRecid field. Ive even tried
adding a field called Description to the Placements table
but when I run a Compact and Repair again, it still says
it cant find that field. Any ideas anyone? Thanks.
My db is Access 2002 on XP, networked.
Ive had two occurrances of a problem recently and I
posted about this in General Questions on 18th Feb with
replies (Invalid Argument Problem). Ive now discovered
that a Compact and Repair fixes the problem, at least
temporarily, without my having to delete and reinstate
records. Can anyone help me interpret the contents of a
table that is being generated, called MSysCompactError?
The table contains one record, consisting of four fields -
ErrorCode, ErrorDescription, ErrorRecid and ErrorTable.
The field contents are as follows
ErrorCode, -1003
ErrorDescription, Could not find field Description (the
word Description is in quotes but when I use the quote
symbol in this Newsgroup it comes out as a series of
ErrorRecid, this field contains one Chinese and one
notation character.
ErrorTable, Placements
I have looked in my Placements table and there is no
called Description. Why does Access think there should be?
What does error code -1003 mean? I tried looking in
Help but cannot find a listing of error codes.
Finally, if there is some sort of corruption in the
Placements table, is there a way to fix it once and for
all, or is this just a transient network problem? I am
unsure of the cause of the problem - I havent managed to
reproduce it myself.
Thanks for any help. Cheers, JohnB
response. Can no one help with this? Ive tried deleting
the MSysCompactError table and then recompacting and
repairing the db and I get the same table appearing but
with nothing in the ErrorRecid field. Ive even tried
adding a field called Description to the Placements table
but when I run a Compact and Repair again, it still says
it cant find that field. Any ideas anyone? Thanks.
My db is Access 2002 on XP, networked.
Ive had two occurrances of a problem recently and I
posted about this in General Questions on 18th Feb with
replies (Invalid Argument Problem). Ive now discovered
that a Compact and Repair fixes the problem, at least
temporarily, without my having to delete and reinstate
records. Can anyone help me interpret the contents of a
table that is being generated, called MSysCompactError?
The table contains one record, consisting of four fields -
ErrorCode, ErrorDescription, ErrorRecid and ErrorTable.
The field contents are as follows
ErrorCode, -1003
ErrorDescription, Could not find field Description (the
word Description is in quotes but when I use the quote
symbol in this Newsgroup it comes out as a series of
ErrorRecid, this field contains one Chinese and one
notation character.
ErrorTable, Placements
I have looked in my Placements table and there is no
called Description. Why does Access think there should be?
What does error code -1003 mean? I tried looking in
Help but cannot find a listing of error codes.
Finally, if there is some sort of corruption in the
Placements table, is there a way to fix it once and for
all, or is this just a transient network problem? I am
unsure of the cause of the problem - I havent managed to
reproduce it myself.
Thanks for any help. Cheers, JohnB