REPOST: Outlook 2003 sending via exchange instead of pop3


Adam Gordon


Here is my setup. I have SBS 2003 (with exchange) on the server. Each user
has Outlook 2003 setup with the following settings:
1) user pop3 account on server that is external to our network (all emails
should go here) (set as default account)
2) exchange account on local sbs 2003 server

The email store is set to a local .pst file.

Right now I am only using exchange to share contacts among the company, and
I do not actually wish that it is used for any email purposes.

My problem is this:
- new emails will by default be sent though the pop3 server (what I want)
- some (not all) emails that a user tries to reply to or forward try to send
through the exchange server. (need to fix this)

I have been unable to find an exact occurance pattern.

No emails should ever be processed by the Exchange server, and no Internet
users should be able to send to our Exchange server, hence no email should
be coming in though the exchange mailbox.

So on these emails, in the message window of outlook it will say:
"This message will be sent using Microsoft Exchange Server" (and will be set
on the accounts drop down)

When the user actually sends the email they will get a message back from
"System Administrator" saying:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: <email subject>
Sent: <email date & time>

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

<email to: address> on <email date & time>
The e-mail address could not be found. Perhaps the recipient
moved to a different e-mail organization, or there was a mistake in the
address. Check the address and try again.
<MYSBS2003SERVERNAME.MYDOMAIN.local #5.1.8 smtp;553 5.1.8
<[email protected]>... Domain of sender address
(e-mail address removed) does not exist>

The smtp status code my differ, but the message format is the same.

I have spent hours searching for an answer, any help is appreciated.


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