REPOST: Portfolio Server - Schedule Tab



In PPS 07, there is the schedule tab. It prepopulates with the Start and
End dates as milestones. Is there any way to tell the application to use a
different "template?" In other words, I want more than just Start/End dates
as milestones - I want other things as milestones. This will greatly
enhance usefulness to project managers when the project gets exported to
Project Server for the first time.


Martin Laukkanen

Hi John,

I definitely can't give you the authoritive answer on this one, but from
attempting to do just that I found that the only way would be to use custom
code of some kind. But in the end I never went any further down that path..

Have a look at the SDK, that may give you an idea of what is required to do
just that.


Thanks for the info. I've just downloaded the project server sdk...I
haven't seen a Portfolio Server specific SDK. I will look in there and see
if there's anything that will help. I have a feeling that if this gets into
custom coding, management will abandon this path as well. But, we're
supposed to provide options for management, so I'll check into it. Thanks
for replying.


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