REPOST: Questions



Hi I would like the answers to a couple of questions in my
database... I hope someone could please assist...

I have created an input form (with help from an MVP) with
a main form and a sub form.... How do I get a cmd button
to clear both the main form and the subform so I can add
another record?

Again through the same MVP has helped my rationalise my
tables and everything but the one thing I now need to do
it correctly refrence everything from one table into
another... I have two tables one is called tblMP3Title (It
has a list of CD titles) and one called tblMP3List
(Containes all the foders on the CD) I have a one - to -
many relationship with them so that I have one title to
many folders... How can I copy the titles from the
tblMP3List to tblMP3Title and get them correctly refrenced?

I have on my MP3 form some next and previous butons which
scroll through the records in tblMP3List... so there going
down the list of the title and the folder name... I would
like it to go through the Titles. So I would need it to
change the title at the top rather than keep pointing out
the next record in tblMP3List... Could I just swop over
the next and previous buttons to look at a diffrent table?
If so how do I do this?

Many Thanks for you time and effort...

John Vinson

Hi I would like the answers to a couple of questions in my
database... I hope someone could please assist...

I have created an input form (with help from an MVP) with
a main form and a sub form.... How do I get a cmd button
to clear both the main form and the subform so I can add
another record?

Ummm... you ordinarily would not NEED to "clear" the Form. Just use
the *> icon on the navigation buttons on the mainform to move to the
(blank) new record; the subform will move to a new record too.
Again through the same MVP has helped my rationalise my
tables and everything but the one thing I now need to do
it correctly refrence everything from one table into
another... I have two tables one is called tblMP3Title (It
has a list of CD titles) and one called tblMP3List
(Containes all the foders on the CD) I have a one - to -
many relationship with them so that I have one title to
many folders... How can I copy the titles from the
tblMP3List to tblMP3Title and get them correctly refrenced?

With an Append query. Since you haven't posted any information about
the actual structure or fieldnames of these tables I can't really
suggest just how this query would be created, but that will be the
proper technique.
I have on my MP3 form some next and previous butons which
scroll through the records in tblMP3List... so there going
down the list of the title and the folder name... I would
like it to go through the Titles. So I would need it to
change the title at the top rather than keep pointing out
the next record in tblMP3List... Could I just swop over
the next and previous buttons to look at a diffrent table?
If so how do I do this?

You can create a Combo Box on the mainform to allow you to select a
title and navigate to that record; the combo box wizard will help you
set this up.


Ok I dont think I have explained myself very well I will
see if I can do better now...

As for the new record thing yeah it works but for some
reason it has has some strage effects on the form...

1) When I enter a Title of a CD and press TAB to go down
to the next line (on a sub form) it removes the title I
have just put in?

2) if I have added my new record and then want to add
another I click on add record and then type the title in
and if its a completly diffrent title it tells me I will
be creating duplicate values... How is this possible?

John it was you who helped me with the ratyionalising of
my tables and everything... when you helped me setup the
MP3 input form and everything...

As for teh append Query... I would just need something to
move the data from one table (tblMP3List) to the new table
(tblMP3Title) I would just need to move the MP3 Title
field over and make all the necissary links will it?

How would I set this up what information would you need?

As for the next and previous buttons...

Right I have next and Previous buttons on my form...

I would like the next and previous buttons to use the
tblMP3Title so it scrolls the titles with the info on the
CD below... As an example:

At the moment it does the following:



I click next and it does:


Folder1 (Highlighted)

and so on until it gets to the last ione then changes the
title at the top...

I would like it to do the follwoing:



I click Next and it does this:



How do I achieve this?

Many Thanks


John Vinson

Ok I dont think I have explained myself very well I will
see if I can do better now...

As for the new record thing yeah it works but for some
reason it has has some strage effects on the form...

1) When I enter a Title of a CD and press TAB to go down
to the next line (on a sub form) it removes the title I
have just put in?

Where are you when you tab? What are the Record Source properties of
the Form and the Subform?

If you move to a new mainform record, then of course the subform will
go blank, as will the mainform.
2) if I have added my new record and then want to add
another I click on add record and then type the title in
and if its a completly diffrent title it tells me I will
be creating duplicate values... How is this possible?

I don't know because I don't know the recordsources nor do I know
where you're typing the title.
John it was you who helped me with the ratyionalising of
my tables and everything... when you helped me setup the
MP3 input form and everything...

As for teh append Query... I would just need something to
move the data from one table (tblMP3List) to the new table
(tblMP3Title) I would just need to move the MP3 Title
field over and make all the necissary links will it?

Again - I CANNOT SEE YOUR DATABASE. I do not know what's in
tblMP3List; I do not know what's in tblMP3Title.

AT A GUESS - from a distance, unable to see your structure - I'm
guessing that your tblMP3List table has the same title multiple times
and you want to create tblMP3Title with only one instance of each
title - right? If so, create a Query based on MP3List. Select only the
Title field, and any other fields which are the same for all instances
of a particular title (*not* folder fields, that is to say). Right
mouseclick in the grey background of the query grid and view the
query's Properties; set the UNIQUE VALUES property to True.

Now change it to an Append query and append it to tblMP3Title.

This won't "make all the necessary links" - it will just add the
titles to the new table; I don't know what "necessary links" you mean,
nor what you're linking to.
How would I set this up what information would you need?

As for the next and previous buttons...

Right I have next and Previous buttons on my form...

I would like the next and previous buttons to use the
tblMP3Title so it scrolls the titles with the info on the
CD below... As an example:
How do I achieve this?

PROBABLY - again, not seeing your database - you should have a Form
based on tblMP3Title, with a Subform based on tblMP3Folders, using the
appropriate field (the Primary Key of tblMP3Title and its matching
foreign key) to link them. Your Next button should move to the next
record on the mainform; the subform will obediently follow along.

It *sounds* like you have a form based on the MP3 List table, or on a
query joining Titles to Folders - again, I'm not sure!


Ok ok ok ....

Here is the info you need....

I am in the main form and I am typing the Title of the CD
in... Then I press tab which should go to the subform.

Ok the Main Forms Record Source is: tblMP3Title

The subforms Recourd Source is: SELECT [tblMP3List].[MP3
Title], [tblMP3List].[MP3's on CD], [tblMP3List].
[MP3TitleID] FROM tblMP3List;

The title I am typingon the Main form and then the folders
in the subform.

Right tblMP3List has the follwoing:

MP3Title (Text)
MP3's on CD (Text)
MP3TitleID (AutoNumber and Key Field)

Relationships with tblMP3Title in a one to many

Ok the links I am on about is the ones with the folders in
tblMP3Lsit. Ok So I want the append query to put the
titles in yes this is true... Will the relationship I have
already there the one to many relationship between the
tables will this still work where by I request a MP3 CD
Title and it will pull up the relevant records from the

I have made the changes with the form where by there is a
Main form and a Subform.... I have joined the master and
Child Fields with the MP3TitleID Field as I have done with
the relationship and when I open the form it seems ok.

To check the above form I will need to set-up my append

As for the append query I did as you asked and it come up
with an error...

It cant append the records in the append query because of
the follwoing:

database name didnt add 49 records to the table due to key

What does this mean? Also it is supposedly adding 1 record
but its a blank record that it appends and there and NO
blank records in the MP3Title Field appart from the new
records thing at the bottom of the table.

What do I do from here?

Many Thanks


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