Repost: Save filtered report as .snp file.


D Collins

I have a dialog form that allows the user to select the report they wish,
along with the criteria for the report, then they select a button to save it
as an .snp file. My questions is, how do I get that criteria passed to the
report before saving it as an .snp file?

I need to put in a where clause, but where would I put it in this line of

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, RptName, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)"


Tom Wickerath

Base your report on a query that includes criteria that looks to your open
form. For example, in query design view:

Field: LastName
Table: Employees
Criteria: [Forms]![frmEmployees]![LastName]

If desired, you can include a text box in your report that reflects the
criteria chosen, using a similar method. The control source for the text box
would be something like this: =[Forms]![frmEmployees]![LastName]

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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