Repost: WordBasic in Word 2003 SP3 / (Not) Printing markup


Peter_A_M (NL)

Word Heretic suggested to repost my question, so here it is again (slightly
modified). I still hope someone helps me out!

I've been writing a macro including a UserForm, in order to be able to print
(one or more) documents either with or without markup (comments or revisions)
showing, or as shown on screen, depending on the value of a checkbox.

My question: this works well in the beginning. But: after having printed one
or more documents WITHOUT markup, and thereafter the same document(s) AS
SHOWN or WITH markup, no balloons are printed anymore for these same
documents, although the balloons still DO show on screen!

Part of the code I wrote (part of a loop for each selected document; name of
the checkbox = CheckMarkup):

With Documents(...) 'the particular open document
If CheckMarkup.Value = True Then 'print with markup showing
With .ActiveWindow.View
If .RevisionsMode <> wdBalloonRevisions Then _
.RevisionsMode = wdBalloonRevisions
'always show revisions as balloons

.ShowRevisionsAndComments = True
.ShowFormatChanges = True
.ShowInsertionsAndDeletions = True
End With
PrintMarkup = wdPrintDocumentWithMarkup
'variable to be used later with PrintOut command

ElseIf CheckMarkup.Value = False Then 'no markup
PrintMarkup = wdPrintDocumentContent

ElseIf IsNull(CheckMarkup.Value) = True Then 'triplestate enabled; print
as shown
If (.Revisions.Count = 0 And .Comments.Count = 0) Then
'no revisions, no comments present
PrintMarkup = wdPrintDocumentContent

ElseIf .ActiveWindow.View.ShowRevisionsAndComments = False And _
.ActiveWindow.View.ShowFormatChanges = False And _
.ActiveWindow.View.ShowInsertionsAndDeletions = False Then
'no markup visible
PrintMarkup = wdPrintDocumentContent

Else 'markup visible
PrintMarkup = wdPrintDocumentWithMarkup

End If
End If

.PrintOut Item:=PrintMarkup 'print the relevant way

'... (restoring the Show* properties when necessary)

End With

Does anyone know what is happening?
As far as I'm aware of I'm using the right properties, or do I miss one or

Moreover: in order to check what happens I recorded some macros. When I
applied menu choices View > Markup I was really astonished to find the
statement WordBasic.ViewChanges being recorded.
And as astonished to find WordBasic.ShowComments for changing the
Show-option for comments (on the Reviewing toolbar).
I couldn't find any documentation on this, nor were these statements present
in Word95 or Word97.
Can anyone explain this to me?

Thanks in advance for any advice!


Don't know the answer to your question, but you're maybe scaring away
possible respondents by the reference to WordBasic. WordBasic was the macro
language used by Word up until ?Word 95, when it was replaced by VBA which
is what you are currently using. Questions about WordBasic are usually about
trying to resuscitate code from old documents.

Peter_A_M (NL)

The strange thing is - and that's percisely what (part of) my question is
about! - that Word 2003 is recording some WordBasic statements, which I
cannot find documented anywhere!
(Please read my post completely!)

Tank you - Peter

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