I have removed the original code etc so I now have an frmrefurb and
frmrefurbsubform. Here are the details of the combo boxes - Thank you for
you help!
The subform is where I have the combo boxes in datasheet view I have
referbdetailID Supplier Name: ProductID and Product Description Name:
In deisgn view I have CBOSupplierName Row Source SELECT DISTINCT
tblProducts.SupplierID, tblSuppliers.SupplierName FROM tblSuppliers INNER
JOIN tblProducts ON tblSuppliers.SupplierID=tblProducts.SupplierID; Column
Count 2 Bound Column 2 Control Source SupplierName
Then I Have CBOProduct Row Source SELECT tblProducts.ProductID,
tblProducts.ProductName FROM tblProducts; Column Count 2 Bound Column 1
Control Source ProductID
and finally CBOProductDescription Row Source SELECT
tblProducts.ProductDescription FROM tblProducts; Column Count 1 Bound Column
1 Control Source ProductDescription.
I have removed the original code etc so I now have an frmrefurb and
frmrefurbsubform. Here are the details of the combo boxes - Thank you for
you help!
The subform is where I have the combo boxes in datasheet view I have
referbdetailID Supplier Name: ProductID and Product Description Name:
In deisgn view I have CBOSupplierName Row Source SELECT DISTINCT
tblProducts.SupplierID, tblSuppliers.SupplierName FROM tblSuppliers INNER
JOIN tblProducts ON tblSuppliers.SupplierID=tblProducts.SupplierID; Column
Count 2 Bound Column 2 Control Source SupplierName
Then I Have CBOProduct Row Source SELECT tblProducts.ProductID,
tblProducts.ProductName FROM tblProducts; Column Count 2 Bound Column 1
Control Source ProductID
and finally CBOProductDescription Row Source SELECT
tblProducts.ProductDescription FROM tblProducts; Column Count 1 Bound Column
1 Control Source ProductDescription.
Marshall Barton said:There are other explanations in many other newsgroup posts
that you can find by searching the Google archives.
You should have posted the error message that was displayed
because it is usually a valuable clue. However, I suspect
that your error was a type mismatch. If so, it would imply
that there is something funny in the way you have set up the
combo boxes.
Please post a Copy/Paste of both combo box's RowSource SQL
statements so I can see the fields. I also need to see both
combo box's Name, ColumnCount and BoundColumn properties and
a Copy/Paste of the actual code that you used.
MVP [MS Access]
Does it make any difference if I have the form in datasheet view and is a
All that seems to happen when I do the below is a select the supplier and
get a runtime error and then there is nothing in the product combo list??
Do you have any detialed documentation I can follow?