Requery from Click


rob c

I have set up a form so that a combo box is requeried when a change is made.
But some of the fields are automatically populated thru the use of an update
query so I don't change information in the fields most the time. I tried
the following and it doesn't work. Is it possible to do a requery juts by
clicking on the combo box field or entering it?

Private Sub cbopartners_Click()
End Sub


I must be missing something. You appear to be saying you want to
requery even when you have not made any changes to the data, in
which case, what would be the point of a requery?

tkelley via



rob said:
I have set up a form so that a combo box is requeried when a change is made.
But some of the fields are automatically populated thru the use of an update
query so I don't change information in the fields most the time. I tried
the following and it doesn't work. Is it possible to do a requery juts by
clicking on the combo box field or entering it?

Private Sub cbopartners_Click()
End Sub

rob c

Thanks for the response,

I am under the impression that the requery is needed for each record when
there are multiple records on a subform that are using a combobox.

The subform i am working on has several rows of information which have
several fields that are used for a combobox. The rows of information are put
there thru the use of an append query which is based on the product chosen
and a suite of services. I would like combo box to change selections for
each row without having to do anything other than open the combobox.

Fields are:
record txtregion txtservice
1 north install
1 north test
2 north install and test
3 south Install
4 south Test
6 south install and test
combobox is cbopartner, the partners are based on a combination of the
region and service..

the infomation

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