A user types an account # on the main form then hits "View Status". A list
box displays the data in the database that is associated with that account.
The user then double-clicks one or more lines in the list box. A new data
entry form pops up that allows the user to enter more data associated for the
lines the double-clicked. After they have made changes on this form, they
hit "Save" which I have programmed to close this form and re-open the main
menu that has the listbox, then requery the listbox to show new/modified
data. For some reason the requery does not show the new/modified info.
Still shows the old info. For example, they modified the date field on a
record, but the modified value does not show up. It still shows the old date
that was there when they originally double-clicked that listbox item.
It almost seems as if the close action of the data entry form isn't complete
yet b/c I see it still open when I look in the Windows Menu. I think that
b/c that isn't closed yet, the save really hasn't occured to the table yet.
How can I make my procedure ensure the form has completely closed before it
does the next step, which is to return to the main menu and requery the data
that was entered on the previous form??
box displays the data in the database that is associated with that account.
The user then double-clicks one or more lines in the list box. A new data
entry form pops up that allows the user to enter more data associated for the
lines the double-clicked. After they have made changes on this form, they
hit "Save" which I have programmed to close this form and re-open the main
menu that has the listbox, then requery the listbox to show new/modified
data. For some reason the requery does not show the new/modified info.
Still shows the old info. For example, they modified the date field on a
record, but the modified value does not show up. It still shows the old date
that was there when they originally double-clicked that listbox item.
It almost seems as if the close action of the data entry form isn't complete
yet b/c I see it still open when I look in the Windows Menu. I think that
b/c that isn't closed yet, the save really hasn't occured to the table yet.
How can I make my procedure ensure the form has completely closed before it
does the next step, which is to return to the main menu and requery the data
that was entered on the previous form??