Requery / Refresh calculated texbox



Dear friends,

On a form I have two textboxes (cbo1 and cbo2).

I need to have a formula in cbo2 (eg [cbo1]*10, that will use what I type in

The problem is that I need by changing the value in cbo1, immediately to
have the result in cbo2.

e.g. I type 1 in cob1 = 10 will be shown in cbo2,
by typing more in cob1, e.g. 11, in cbo2 will be shown 110.

This should be done before update? Where shall I use the requery method?

Thanking you in advance,


Linq Adams via

You can do this one of two ways:


Private Sub cbo1_AfterUpdate()
Me.cbo2 = Me.cbo1 * 10
End Sub


set the Control Source of cbo2 to

=[cbo2] * 10

and the value will change when you move off of the cbo1 textbox.

Just out of curiosity, why do you have textboxes named *** cbo *** ? cbo is
usually used as the prefix for a combobox. It works, of course, it's just
somewhat confusing!


Thanks Linq,

The problem is that I need to have the result in the second textbox by the
time I type a number on the first one and not after updating the first one.

Any ideas?

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